We want to see your heart for this work MULTIPLY image

We want to see your heart for this work MULTIPLY

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2024: A Year of Multiplication

Dear Hope 1312 Collective family,

And just like that, we are looking towards another year of kingdom work at Hope 1312 Collective. This is the time of the year to ask boldly on behalf of all of the hopes and dreams that we hold for the newyear.

This year, we are not asking for one last big donation -not that we take any issue with a generous heart! We ask instead for your prayerful consideration of becoming a monthly partner in 2024. Our heart behind this ask is to develop a sustainable group of faithful donors whose hearts are changed as they commit month in and month out to partner with our organization financially and prayerfully.

We believe that faithfulness in this work surpasses any financial milestone that we could set before you. It is apparent that each and everyone of you are incredibly generous, and when we ask boldly -you show up! Our hopes are that showing up in 2024 looks less like grand gestures and more like slow, stable engagement. The kind of faithful engagement that grows mustard seeds (Matthew 17:20) and breaks down walls of injustice like a persistent widow (Luke 18:11-8). The kind of consistent, faithful giving that slowly melts and moves hearts in ways that we cannot explain except by the power of the Spirit.

We've provided a list of ways God can use your monthly giving, and if you so choose to invest in our kingdom work, please let us know your personal hopes in giving to this work. Are you desperate to realign your priorities in the New Year? Is 2024 your year to increase fervency in prayer? Is God increasing your desire to carry burdens and enter into the pain and suffering of the most vulnerable? Do you long for your heart to break for what breaks His? Delight yourself in the Lord, friends, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Will you become one of these 100 people who partner monthly with us? We would love to add your heart to our graphic, representing your commitment to generosity and to this work. Each of those hearts is so deeply precious to us because it represents a heart that is giving themselves so vulnerably and whole-heartedly. A heart that is willing to grow and be shaped by God's gracious hand in the coming year. A heart that is full of Hope.

Rejoicing in Hope,

Ally Christianson

Founding Director, Hope 1312 Collective