2025: God's Economy
Dear Hope 1312 Collective family,
To say that God exceeded our expectations for our Multiplication year would be the understatement of 2024. We have borne witness to many miraculous works of the spirit of God in this incredible year. Holy occasions in which God takes the half-whispered prayer spoken in great faith and turns it into an abundant outpouring of His provision.
And we have been left in awe. Not because of any bench mark that we hit as an organization. Or because of a certain number of funds raised at an event. Or even in those moments when our prayers received a great and magnificent “Yes!” We are left in awe because God has carried out his dealings this year in a place far deeper than our checking accounts. He has done a great work in our hearts.
We serve a God who is really good at math, specifically multiplication. He is able to take the smallest dream, the most timid desire to be used, the humblest check written in blind faith, and multiply it to meet needs AND change hearts. It’s our collaborative spirit and openness to God defying earthly systems that has set the stage for us getting to witness this eternal math in real time. What has happened in this year of Multiplication has stretched us, and more specifically stretched our understanding of God’s economy.
We will joyfully and humbly receive any gift, but we invite you to consider monthly partnership and prayer for the whole year. We invite you to put a stake in the ground (and a heart on our graphic) for 2025, declaring that it will be one of united prayer and consistent giving.
Will you become one of these 100 people who partner monthly with us? We would love to add your heart to our graphic, representing your commitment to generosity and to this work. Each of those hearts is so deeply precious to us because it represents a heart that is giving themselves so vulnerably and whole-heartdly. A heart that is willing to grow and be shaped by God's gracious hand in the coming year. A heart that is full of Hope.
Rejoicing in Hope,
Ally Christianson
Founding Director, Hope 1312 Collective